Bottom Layer
1 cup pitted dates - pre soaked for half and hour-1hour
1 cup chopped walnuts - pre soaked overnight or around 5 hours*
Middle Layer
1/2 cup pre soaked dates
1 cup chopped hazelnuts - pre soaked
2 tbsp carob powder
1/2 cup ground flax
1/2 cup shredded coconut
2 tbsp hemp seeds
1/2 cup raisins
2 tbsp honey
2 tbsp coconut oil/creamed coconut melted over bain marie
1 tsp all spice
Top Layer
2 cups oats
3 tbsp tahini
2 tbsp honey
1 banana - mashed
*pre soaking makes nuts easier for your tum to digest and also makes them blend a lot easier too.
Start with your bottom layer by blending the walnuts and dates until all combined.
Transfer to your preferred tin and press down firmly.
Pop in fridge while you work on the middle layer.
In a large bowl mix together all dry ingredients, stir in the dates and transfer to blender, blend for 1 minute.
Over a bain marie melt the coconut oil/creamed coconut and stir in the honey.
Transfer to carob mixture and blend until all combined.
Pop this layer over the bottom layer and set again in the fridge.
For the top layer melt together the honey and tahini, and in a separate bowl mix together the oats and banana.
Mix all together then add on top of middle later.
Set in fridge for up to two hours and enjoy with a cup of tea..or two.
Also a yummy treat for breakfast on the go.
I enjoyed a slice this morning with a homemade super-brew of maca, barley, suma* and hemp milk..
Suma is a new addition to my daily dose of medicinal superfoods.
Known as Brazilian Ginseng, suma is a vine that grows in the Amazon rainforest, and is quite powerful when taken in its powdered form. You only need 1/4 of a tsp of this magical stuff for your body, mind and soul to reap the benefits.
More than this dosage is not recommended.
Suma, like maca, is an adaptogen - creating balance and harmony without any side effects or come downs.
''Adaptogens have a normalizing effect on the body, and can be taken daily for long periods of time without overstimulating the system. Suma is such a potent adaptogen, it is a medicine for the soul. It shakes us right back into our central core, and reminds us of ways in our lives that we are out of sync with ourselves. It shines a light on dark corners of our personalities that are neglected and hidden. Suma contains a strong plant spirit, and is practically shamanic in its effects.'' *
The effects of suma are vaired for each individual.
I've been taking the powder daily for almost a week now and have felt the benefits right away.
On the morning I took it, a 1/4 of a tsp mixed with my daily brew of maca, barley and lucuma, I was feeling quite down and low in energy after an all too hectic and stressful week, on top of that my stomach was swollen to the size of a beach ball due to bloating and my monthly cycle. I had to be at work in just under an hour and all I could do was flop on my bed in a state of despair, not knowing what to do about my states of low energy. I felt so tired. I had been trying almost everything I could think of, eating more protein, increasing my intake of cacao (which I found seemed to make me more anxious and jittery, - a topic I'm aiming to write a little more about in another post). After about two hours of having this magic suma brew, my bloatedness and pms pains had gone completely and I had a surge of sustained energy that seemed to appear out of no where, I felt alive; glowing, positive and buzzing, and the best part was that I had no come down, the buzz that I felt wasn't a quick surge of drastic energy, but one that came gradually and brought me into my conscious state completely. I've also been feeling states of incredible oneness with nature and the elements around me, I'm taking my time with things more and remembering to breathe and relax when life seems to get a little too much.
I've been taking suma daily with my morning maca brew, and each day I feel something different, sudden surges of creativity, magikal mellow moods, and feelings which otherwise may have gone unrecognised, but with awareness and the realisation that whatever feelings/obstacles come my way daily, they are there for me to work on and for myself to develop openly and freely in any way I see fit.
This morning, I'm chilling with the hares..
But if you'd like to find out more about them, I highly suggest you seek out this lady and her super book..
*Kate Magic - Superfoods for Super People.
Thanks for reading, and happy baking!