It just grows, beyond belief.
It is that sacred, I cannot even begin to try and describe or understand it, it just is,
and it is so beautiful.
Elegantly rooted,
dirty, weird, wild, wonderful;
poignant, timid, awkward.
No longer pale, but blooming with colour and light,
for she lives in 'dem 'roots, twisted underneath'
underneath 'dem vines; edged with purple mould,
and it is in the night, when she comes, alive.
It is a wave of a mystery that I ride,
sometimes with dignity, sometimes not,
but always with intricacy,
sometimes knowing, sometimes not,
but as long as I am conscious, and as long as I stay true..
I will always crawl..'before I walk away,'
'Soon, this will be all over,' she said
Now..'get filthy, and kiss me.'
For it matters not how long it takes, or in what style..'s just a trip..enjoy the ride..
It is that sacred, I cannot even begin to try and describe or understand it, it just is,
and it is so beautiful.
Elegantly rooted,
dirty, weird, wild, wonderful;
poignant, timid, awkward.
No longer pale, but blooming with colour and light,
for she lives in 'dem 'roots, twisted underneath'
underneath 'dem vines; edged with purple mould,
and it is in the night, when she comes, alive.
It is a wave of a mystery that I ride,
sometimes with dignity, sometimes not,
but always with intricacy,
sometimes knowing, sometimes not,
but as long as I am conscious, and as long as I stay true..
I will always crawl..'before I walk away,'
'Soon, this will be all over,' she said
Now..'get filthy, and kiss me.'
For it matters not how long it takes, or in what style..'s just a trip..enjoy the ride..